Ascutney Trails spans the three towns of Windsor, West Windsor, and Weathersfield, and trails are known for being mountainous and challenging Within the Ascutney Outdoors Center, you’ll find about 30 miles of mapped and marked mountain bike trails located in West Windsor Town Forest, as well as private lands. Most of these trails were carefully planned and built by the mountain bike enthusiasts. The trails are routed to guide you through some of the most beautiful and diverse terrain in New England, the hand-built trails stand as a premier destination for mountain-bikers from all over the Northeast. Class Act Racing has been lucky enough to attend several races that were held on this land. What makes it great you may ask? The landscape of forested trails, pasture land and beautiful countryside create a picturesque setting not to mention amazing views of the Green Mountains. There are so many options here that riders can ride for a day or a weekend...
For most of us, mountain biking isn't just a sport or a hobby. It's a way of life - you get to meet awesome people, and it takes you to rad places.