First, let me just say that racing in Florida is legit. This is a fantastic event for a community of riders who are really into riding and racing. And if anyone is picturing just flat, sandy single track, let me clear that up for you right now: this is among the fastest courses I’ve ever raced, no kidding. there was more of a mix of tech and speed throughout the 25 mile lap. This year, they mixed it up by making it 20 miles of pure singletrack with lots of punchy hills followed by 5 1/2 of mixed terrain. Fortunately we’ve gotten some rain over the last month so the trail was packed pretty good outside of a couple sandy spots. I just went in on race day and figured I’d learn the course as the day went on. As there was some confusion on the route the day prior. It was good to see so many new friends out there racing, some for the first time, and some familiar competitors as well. To maintain the health & safety of the riders, Dave Berger release...
For most of us, mountain biking isn't just a sport or a hobby. It's a way of life - you get to meet awesome people, and it takes you to rad places.